When I saw that Tiff of Mostly YA Lit had tagged me to do The Lunar New Year Book Tag (which she co-created with Joey of Thoughts & Afterthoughts), I decided it would be most appropriate for me to get this tag up on the actual date of Lunar New Year.

Just one? I honestly have so many books that I’m looking forward to in 2017 that it’s nearly impossible to narrow it down. But I’m going to pick Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows for my answer, mostly because I love Jodi, I love her books and this one has dragons in it!

I tend to draw the most comfort from historical romances in general, and I usually read one when I'm in need of a pick-me-up. My favorite to return to time and again has always been (and probably will be) Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas, simply because there's a particular set of chapters that always makes me smile.

I spend a lot on books, but lately, I've gotten really obsessed with spending on bookish candles. I've been collecting candles from Novelly Yours, The Melting Library and Icey Designs, and I still want more!

I have a few options for this question, but I'm going to go with The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You by Lily Anderson. It's a modern day spin on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, featuring a special academy for really smart teens, lots of nerd references and really adorable relationships.

The first character who popped into my head is Kelsea Glynn from The Queen of the Tearling trilogy by Erika Johansen. She's been brought up in seclusion with only books and two teachers, but she's got a strong moral compass and is constantly trying to do right by her kingdom... no matter what the cost.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is definitely a book that has stayed with me. It's one of the most raw young adult stories that I've ever read, and the emotions I felt while Melinda's story played out were really intense. It's a hard read, but well worth it.

I read a lot of books with a little romance in them, but one of my recent favorites was Shuffle, Repeat by Jen Klein. I mention this book a ton, but I can't help it! It's just so adorable, and so wonderful, and so well-written.

I'm going to go with The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, as it's been a while since I've been able to mention that one at all on my blog. I absolutely loved this YA fantasy novel (and its sequels), and would highly recommend checking them out.

There's a character in The Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon that is totally manipulative (more than one, really, but there's one I'm specifically thinking of). Granted, Paige finds a way to override the manipulations in the situation she's in, but still!

I really loved The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee. It's a fun YA contemporary with a dash of magic to it, about a girl and her mom who are both aromateurs that can help people fall in love via scent. It's sweet and charming and utterly wonderful.

I absolutely adore the cover of This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills. It definitely captures the feel of the story, and it also happens to be primarily in my favorite color.

The immediate pair that came to mind were Maggie and Roux from the Also Known As duology by Robin Benway. I haven't reread this duology in a while, but I do remember that I actually laughed out loud quite a fair bit while reading these books!
Yay, that was fun to do! I'm tagging Lindsey of Bring My Books, Rachel of Hello, Chelly and Amaris of amarisafloria to do this one. Happy Lunar New Year, folks!
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