August 31, 2012

TGIF (38): Choose Your Next Read

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

How do you go about choosing what you read next? Do you have a schedule you follow, or do you read whatever makes you happy at the moment?

I'm afflicted with a very mild case of OCD, so I do like to have everything in order and properly planned out whenever I can. I tend to come up with a list of books that I'd like to finish reading during a week, and it's an equal selection of review books and books that I really want to read for fun. Usually, I pick up to a maximum of 10 books and just read whatever book I feel like reading from that list.

I used to try to be stricter about the order that I read the books in, but that caused me unnecessary stress and pressure. These days, the system I mentioned works for me very well, since it's still organized, but it's relaxed at the same time.

Of course, there are days when I just give up on the list and pick out a book that I really feel drawn to or really been dying to read. That happened to me a lot over the summer, and I was usually the better for deviating from my set list of books.


  1. Yeah, reading whatever you feel like is always better! And is that 10 books in a week? I'm sure I can't manage that!

  2. I too have OCD and I usually like to schedule everything. But I can't do it with my blog, it takes the fun out of it for me. But your system seems good.

  3. wow i am so wishy washy with books sometimes i will read several in a couple of days sometimes i don't read for months...hahah


  4. I'm a little like that too. I have to be organised with my reading and always quickly write up a list for the next couple of weeks and try to stick with it. Of course, sometimes a book that I have been dying to read comes along and then the list goes out the window for a bit. ;)

  5. You are way more organized than I am. I tried to list ten books I wanted to read in July, and ended up reading 2 of them. I always want to be more organized, but my mood changes so quickly. Often a book I finish effects my mood a lot, and that will help me decide what to read next.

  6. You have a good system, I am ocd too and want to read books in order I got them, or in order of upcoming tours/reviews, etc.
    Thank you so much for stopping by. I am a new GFC follower btw <3
    Have a gr8 weekend!

  7. Our methods differ a bit, but I have the same philosophy. Have a plan, but allow yourself to not follow it once in a while! Thanks for visiting.

  8. I like your system, sometimes it's easy to get caught up feeling like there are books you have to read now before you can just read the books that you want to choose to read

  9. I like your style! I generally have an idea of what I'd like to read for that week but it does fluctuate.

  10. I wish I could be more organized about my books! Unfortunately, my impulsiveness is what makes my TBR shelf so big. Thanks for visiting!

  11. I would make a list but then I would probably get really depressed when I could finish maybe one book off of it lol! I am going to have to adapt some of your plan though. I need to get my to-read books in order ASAP!

  12. I'm like you -- I have an outline of what I'd like to get read in the week. Sometimes I stick to it and sometimes I veer way off course!


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