I'm trying not to be too overeager -- I'm keeping the amount of reading challenges I'm signing up for in the year 2012 to a minimum (especially considering I'm raising the number of books for my own personal reading challenge to 150 next year). However, there are a lot of brilliant challenges out there, so it's been very hard to resist. Thankfully, I've managed to restrain myself and am only participating in the following challenges:
The 2012 Debut Authors Challenge
Host: Kristi of The Story Siren
Sign up here!
Objective (as taken from The Story Siren):
To read & review a minimum of twelve young adult or middle grade debut novels between the dates of January 1, 2012 - January 31, 2013.
What I'm Doing & Why:
I'm personally planning to read 25 debut novels next year (roughly 2 a month). I love reading and I respect authors for their ability to actually complete an entire novel (which I also hope to be able to do someday). I'd like to help support & promote newer authors and this challenge will allow me to do that.
Reading Romances Challenge 2012
Host: Nat of Reading Romances
Sign up here!
Objective (as taken from Reading Romances):
The Reading Romances Challenge is not about the amount of books you read, but the variety of titles you'll have read when the challenge is over! Out goal is to read a bit of everything related to romance and open our minds to new genres we wouldn't usually read.
What I'm Doing & Why:
For this challenge, I'm planning to read 15 romance novels next year. I enjoy indulging in romance novels, and it'll be nice to not just stick to historical romances all the time (although those will forever be my favorite kind!).
2012 YA Mythology Challenge
Objective (as taken from For Those About to Read):
The challenge is to read 10 YA or MG novels that incorporate any type of mythology in the story line (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc). This challenge runs from January 1, 2012-December 31, 2012.
What I'm Doing & Why:
As stated in the challenge instructions, I will be reading 10 YA/MG novels that incorporate mythology into the story. I absolutely adore mythology of any sort (a fascination that began way back in elementary school), so this challenge is definitely one that I think will be a lot of fun for me.

2012 Award Winning Reads Challenge
Hosts: Jacinda of The Reading Housewives of Indiana & Ashley of Basically Amazing Books
Sign up here!
Sign up here!
Objective (as taken from The Reading Housewives of Indiana):
The challenge is to read as many award winning novels as you think you can. Qualifying books have are either a Newberry Winner/Honoree or Printz Winner/Honoree. This challenge runs from January 1, 2012-December 31, 2012.
What I'm Doing & Why:
I'm interested in reading novels that have won either honor mentioned in the objective, so I've decided to read 12 novels, one for each month of the year.
2012 YA Saves Reading Challenge
Objective (as taken from The Busy Bibliophile):
The goal is to read at least 10 ya books that focus on real-life topics that may or may not be considered ‘tough.’ This challenge runs from January 1, 2012-December 31, 2012.
What I'm Doing & Why:
I'm interested in reading novels that cover "tough stuff" and I miss reading contemporary YA, so I've decided to read 10 novels.
NetGalley 2012 Reading Challenge
Objective (as taken from Red House Books):
Read a certain amount of books from NetGalley. There are different levels, set apart by colored stars.
What I'm Doing & Why:
I read a lot of NetGalley books, so I've decided to attempt the red star level, which is reading 21-30 NetGalley books in 2012.
What challenges are you participating in next year?
Yeahhhhh! You picked some great challenges to sign up for this year. They all ask for very different, unique things so I just know you will be reading a huge range of books next year (which is AWESOME!) I'll be cheering you on as well. I know you can do it :)
ReplyDeleteI don't want to put too much pressure on myself by doing too many challenges, but that Mythology challenge is really tempting. I'm doing the DAC challenge, too.
ReplyDeleteTG @ What I Read and What I Thought
I really need to draft my challenges post... I know right now that I'm doing the DAC and the 2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge (from Bookish Evie)... some of these other ones sound fun too!