March 19, 2014

It Runs in the Family: Marked for Love

My sister Melissa is back on the blog to be a (semi) regular reviewer starting this month! Mel reads a lot of paranormal YA, as well as NA novels, so she'll be posting about books that I might not necessarily read (or haven't gotten to just yet).

Marked Men series - Jay Crownover
Rule || Jet || Rome by Jay Crownover
Series: Marked Men #1-3
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publication Date: May 7, 2013 || May 28, 2013 || January 7, 2014
Source/Format: Bought || Kindle (Rule & Jet), Paperback (Rome)

Tattooed bad boys were never really my thing, that is, until I met the Marked Men. First there’s Rule – the real deal, piercings and tattoos covering most of his body. We also have Jet, rock god, or so it seems. Then of course there’s Rule’s big brother Rome – who may not have any ink on the outside, but after being discharged from the army, might as well have been marked for life on the inside. Rome carries just as much attitude and complexity as the rest of the lot.

Then love comes into the picture, and these boys are changed forever.

+ Marked Man: Rome
Out of three, I’d take Rome in a heartbeat. It’s not just because physically I’d be attracted to his post-army physique, or the fact that I think he’s got the perfect height – but as complicated as he is, he’d be my sort of complication. I can understand how difficult it is to find your place in this world. I’ve never been in the army, or have lost someone important to me (don’t worry I won’t tell you who it is), but Rome is a better man because of it. I was totally engrossed in his story because in more ways than one I could relate, and for those of you who are still looking for Mr. Perfect, this book is the imperfectly perfect wake-up call.

+ Marked Woman: Shaw
Between Shaw (Rule), Ayden (Jet) and Cora (Rome) – I like Shaw the most. By the looks of it, you’d think she had everything she ever wanted. She comes from a family of means, she’s great at school – but the thing is, as in most romance novels – not everything is what it seems. There’s more to Shaw that meets the eye. And when Rule comes into the picture, her whole world is shaken. I’d like to think that it’s been turned upside down in a good way. She’s confident, strong, passionate – and even though he’s 50 shades of complicated, and totally unexpected – it’s those shades of grey that bring out the best in both of them. Rule Archer never knew what hit him, but is by far, changed for good.

+ The Story: Ayden & Jet
I love Rome and I love Shaw. But if it were the love story we’re talking about, I’d have to say Ayden & Jet take the cake. Ayden’s your not-so-typical Southern Belle, and Jet’s your not-so-typical Rock god either. Both have their share of secrets. Well, Ayden’s got the bigger slice of the pie – but then again we all know how a dirty little secret can never stay that way. I will say this – we could all learn a thing or two from Ayden & Jet’s love story – how the truth really can set you free, and how love can change everything.

+ Favorite Lines:

Rome: “Don’t be scared, Captain No-Fun, we got this.”

Jet: “Aren’t all the best songs about a girl? It doesn’t matter if it’s metal, if it’s country, if it’s blues or rock and roll; all the songs that make us remember and make us want to sing along are about the best kind of girl, the kind you can’t live without but can’t ever get a hold of.”

Rule: “When I look at you, I don’t see anything but you, and Shaw, you are perfect. I don’t care what color your hair is, if you’re pale or tan, if you have make up on or just woke up – all I care about is that when I look at you, you always look back and see me. You’re beautiful inside and out…”

I would give the Marked Men some *snaps*, and would recommend you get a hold of them if you’re into the bad boy, good love story sort of thing. Although I wasn’t as excited for these books as I was with the likes of The Bet, or A Little Too Far, I enjoyed reading them anyway, and I’m sure you will too. [Alexa's Note: Mel wanted me to add in that she's really looking forward to reading the next one, Nashwhen it's released later this year.]


  1. Oh, I've heard a lot of good things about this series, actually! I would never have heard of it if it weren't for blogging though! Great thoughts, Mel! :)

  2. I just finished Jet last night. I agree about these books not being my typical thing but they are totally enjoyable!!

  3. I LOVE these books! While Rule and Shaw are my favorite male, female, and story across the board, I enjoyed the other ones. I am SO excited for Nash! Mostly because I want some of those tattooed flames on his head and that he falls in love with a nurse...HOLLA!!!!

  4. I got these books in the mail but gave them to my friend Betty because I didn't think they would be for me! Now I kind of want to read them!!

  5. I love how you structured this post! I've read RULE and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I need to get to reading JET and ROME. These guys and their tattoos are soooo swoonnyyy.

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