March 9, 2013

The Truth about Breaking Up, Making Up & Moving On - Chad Eastham

The Truth About Breaking Up, Making Up and Moving On book cover
The Truth About Breaking Up, Making Up & Moving On by Chad Eastham
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Publication Date: January 8, 2013
Source/Format: Netgalley (Thanks!) || e-galley
[I received this book from the publisher. This in no way affects the thoughts expressed in my review.]

Ending a relationship, or being broken up with, is a common experience for teenagers, but they don’t always know how to deal with those situations in a healthy way. Using humor, Scripture, and practical advice, this book will give girls the tools they need to handle these events in their life and give them some fresh perspective as well. This is also a great resource for parents, youth leaders, school counselors, and anyone working with youth to equip them to walk with the teens who are experiencing heartache and tough decisions about relationships. 

The way people handle relationships as teenagers can set a precedent for how they relate with others for the rest of their lives; this book will give teens a foundation for a lifetime of healthy relationships. (from Netgalley)

I love reading books about relationships, especially books that profess to offer practical advice about them. There are plenty of them out there in the world, but The Truth about Breaking Up, Making Up and Moving On certainly stands out to me.

Chad Eastham does a remarkable job in his book at employing a casual, interesting tone that will completely engage his readers. I was really drawn in as I read, even though there were parts that included scientific terms, because Chad managed to make it all sound interesting and very easy to understand.

While the book is directed towards a younger audience, I certainly felt like anyone could take a few notes from within its pages. I know that I certainly did. I laughed, I frowned, I felt challenged and I felt illuminated – and I think any advice book that can provide that for me is pretty darn effective.


  1. Sounds like a good book! This topic is always really interesting and the cover for this one is amazing.

    1. The cover was definitely the reason I spotted it! Honestly, it's just so cute ;)

  2. This sounds like a great read for young adults (and us not-so-young adults!)

    1. It definitely was. I could see it being a good resource for young adults, for sure!

  3. I hope you like it! It's got tons of interesting, practical advice, and I liked it a lot.


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