March 19, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: These Books Will Be Read {Tomorrow}

As always, this feature is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Before I started blogging, I honestly didn't have a problem with buying books. I'd buy a book or two, finish both and then go off to the bookstore to get another one. These days though, with the wealth of information at my fingertips and my friends alerting me to the newest releases, I've fallen into the slightly problematic habit of buying books that go unread for a long, long time. Feel free to let me know in the comments which books I need to bump up on my priority list!

I generally love Rick Riordan's books. I usually am good about reading them right around the time of their release, but for some reason I have not yet read this one! I'm fairly certain that the boy is tempted to disown me because he loved this book, and he knows I'll love it too.

I received a finished copy of Shine at BEA last year, and so I scooped up the first book in the series last summer in an attempt to start it. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet, even though I've heard rave reviews of this series from Ginger. I may need to remedy that...

I attended an event last year where I first discovered this book, and I was immediately intrigued. I mean, come on, it's about witches so of course I wanted a copy! Even though I meant to read it right away, somehow it slipped between my hands and has still gone unread to this day.

This book has gotten so much buzz from bloggers that I trust, and I just instinctively know that I'll enjoy it. I don't know why I haven't read it, if I'm being honest. Perhaps it's because I haven't quite been in the right mood for it? Whatever it is, I definitely need to get on this series train.

I really should have read this one a long time ago, as I've had this book for THREE years now. While I'm excited to go on travel adventures alongside these girls, a part of me is also afraid that I'm going to die of jealousy. I love to travel and it makes me sad that some of my dream destinations are places that I have yet to go to. Obviously, that's a petty reason not to read this so I definitely have to get over it!

I know, I know - I'm a Tammy Pierce fan girl but I have yet to read this collection of stories. I've owned this one for a couple of years as well, and I'm darn sure that this is the year to get down to reading it. There are plans in the works with some awesome ladies that have to do with this author (*coughs* Gaby, Rachel + Gillian *coughs*) so I definitely feel motivated to read this soon.

Honestly, I do not read many zombie books, but I did fall in love with the first book in this series. I snapped up the other two at a signing a year or two ago, and I still have yet to continue the series. I'm chalking this up to never feeling like I was in the right mood to read about zombies, unusual as they seem in these books.

Remember when Estelle & Rachel & I went to an event for this last year? Yeah, well, I still have my copy and I haven't read it yet. I know that my sister loved it and that a lot of other people did too, and I'm very eager to experience David's words for myself so this one is getting picked up soon.

I've owned this one for a year or two, but never gotten around to reading it. There's really no reason for me to be hesitant - it's two of my favorite authors combined into one book! My friend is currently reading this one, but when I get it back, I'll definitely have to give it a try.

I've had this book ever since it debuted last year... and I obviously still haven't read it since it's on this list. I think at the time, I hesitated because I had just read and loved Incarnate and I knew a lot of people were kind of liking one and not the other. So I waited, and the waiting turned into a wait of about a year and three months long. I know a lot of people enjoyed this one, so I'm eager to see if I'll like it as well!

So, what books do you guys think I need to read right away off this list? What books have you bought that still remain unread until today? Feel free to share with me in the comments!


  1. Oh man! You have not experienced the hotness of ALL THAT IS PERRY!! (and Roar as well!!). Under the Never Sky took some time for me to get hooked, but once I was.... it became one of the best series I've ever read. Through the Ever Night is even better.
    I was the same way with Legend... just kept putting it off without any real reason, but once I read it, I was like WHAT THE HELL WAS I WAITING FOR!!? Now it is Prodigy sitting on the shelf. haha

    1. You've just convinced me that I need to read Under the Never Sky/Through the Ever Night soon, as well as Legend/Prodigy. So many awesome books, so little time!

  2. You MUST read Under the Never Sky!! It's sooooo good and I KNOW you'll love it! I just bought Legend and Prodigy the other week, but I do think I need to be in a certain mood to read dystopians. AND I have the Carrie Ryan series, but still haven't read it! And you MUST read Will Grayson!! Or, listen to it on audio -- the audio is WONDERFUL!

    1. I think that tomorrow, on my day off, I'm going to finish up Carrie's series. I did really like the first one, and I (surprisingly) feel in the mood for a zombie book. So yes, I'm pretty excited about that!

      (And I promise I will read Under the Never Sky. Soon. I swear.)

  3. You absolutely MUST MUST MUST read Under The Never Sky. Based on your reviews I just KNOW you'll love it.

    I have Everyday, and have had it for a while, but I have yet to read it. Though, I think you might end up reading that one before I will.

    1. I absolutely love the concept of Every Day, but I also get the distinct feeling that if I'm not in the right mood, I won't enjoy it. So, I've definitely been holding off on that one... But perhaps soon, since I just saw David again this past weekend and got reminded of it.

      Also, I promise - Under the Never Sky will be happening.

  4. Ah! I love that you mentioned me in the Shade comments :) hehe I hope you get to read this series soon. It's so good! I have Will Grayson on my list, too. Perhaps we need to read it together?

    1. You are the person I associate with the series, because I remember you telling me I needed to read it! I have the first and third book (strange, I know), and I need to get going on it.

      And yes, I'm up for reading Will Grayson, Will Grayson together. We can do a casual read-along!

  5. Oh man!!! I want you to read Under the Never Sky so badly!!!! I really think you'll enjoy it!
    ALSO I think you'll love Born Wicked! I love the historical side of it and it's kind of an alternate history almost. It was pretty cool!
    I need to read Every Day too but book club is reading it in June so I'll probably wait until then to get around to it.
    happy reading!!!

    1. Almost every single person (except G) has mentioned that I MUST read Under the Never Sky. I swear, I'm going to listen to you guys soon - I promise!

      Also, I'm happy to hear you liked Born Wicked. I like reading about witches, so I definitely want to get started on that.

  6. Okay, DROP whatever your'e reading right now. Pick up Shade, Born Wicked, or Prodigy instead. I'll wait.

    But seriously, those books are so good!

    1. I promise I will read one out of those three soon, most likely Born Wicked, since I know the sequel is out soon. I do love a good witch book.

  7. Everyday and Will Grayson, Will Grayson are both really good but Under the Never Sky demands to be read!

    1. Yet another vote for Under the Never Sky - I apparently NEED to read this book!

  8. Okay, seriously Alexa, drop what you're doing right now and read Every Day followed by Will Grayson, Will Grayson. These books WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! So there you have. And when you're done you need to read Under the Never Sky. It's, hands down, one of the best sci-fi books I've read in a long time.

    Though I haven't bought Legend, it's a book that I feel like I NEEEEEEEED to read. Hopefully once I get it, it won't be resigned to gathering dust on my shelf! Great picks, Alexa!

    1. I definitely want to read Every Day and Will Grayson, Will Grayson this year. I love both authors (Levithan & Green) and have a feeling that I'll really enjoy both titles.

      Yet another positive reaction to Under the Never Sky. I'm sensing a strong trend over here...

  9. I've started The Mark of Athena but STILL haven't finished it. It's actually disgraceful, but the ending got spoiled for me on Tumblr, so I'm afraid. EEK! But I'm finishing it soon! Ooh read Legend soon! So amazing! I'm working through Prodigy as well. Awesome books!

    1. Don't tell me about the ending! *covers ears* I'm in the middle of Mark of Athena right now, so at least I can mark that one off this list soon.

      And yay, someone insisting I read Legend! I really like Marie (met her twice), so it will be awesome to (finally) read her book.

  10. Oh, so many good books for you to read! I really liked Legend, and was totally sold on the premise after I found out that the story was inspired by Les Mis. And Every Day was beautiful. I still have Under the Never Sky on my TBR too, but that book has had SO MUCH LOVE that I'm sure it'll be great!

    1. I'm glad you liked Legend, and for your positive endorsement. I had no idea it was inspired by Les Mis! That makes it even cooler in my book.

  11. WHOA FRIEND. So many good ones on here that you haven't read yet!!
    I haven't read Every Day yet and I have it from a David Levithan event, but I think I'm saving it (hoarding it is more like it) for a special day because I LOVE HIM so much.
    The Dark and Hollow Places made my list too. And I actually have a copy of Shift on my shelves, but not Shade. WHAT?! I know.
    You totally need to read Prodigy. Under the Never Sky. And WG, WG. Now. In fact, Will Grayson is also a really great audiobook. :)

    1. Hmm, I might actually make WG, WG my first audiobook ever (I think). We'll see how it goes! I do have the actual book though, so there's also that.

  12. Every Day is gorgeous! And a very fast read, if that helps ;)

    I loved Under the Never Sky, once I finally got to it....

    Legend is one that's languishing on my shelves too...poor Legend.

    1. I'm glad that Every Day turned out as gorgeous as you'd hoped. It's also promising that it's a quick read - that might be something I need in the next few weeks.

      I'm seriously going to have to check out Under the Never Sky now. EVERYONE seems to love it.

  13. OMG!! You have got to read UTNS,Legend,Born Wicked,and Every Day, when you can!! They are amazing and you wont regret it!!

    Great post! Tt @ NeverEndingStoires

    1. Thanks for the positive reinforcement! I've been meaning to read all of these but they keep drowning in my TBR...

  14. I'm the same way- before I started blogging I had the opposite problem that I had now, which was that there was never enough books to read. Now that I'm aware about all the releases in the upcoming months I have to limit myself, but I still end up with a huge TBR pile. I hope you have time to read Every Day- it's one of the best books I've ever read.

    1. I think I have TOO many books piling up that sometimes I forget to read the ones I was super excited for! WOW. That endorsement of Every Day is amazing - and it has me dying of curiosity about it.

  15. AAAH! You need to drop everything and read Under the Never Sky! Seriously! I just know that you will love it, because it is amazing and you need to meet Perry and Roar and Arya and just THIS WORLD!
    I also really need to catch up on Rick Riordan's series, Born Wicked and Legend...

    1. I totally trust your opinion so if you say that Under the Never Sky is wonderful, I believe you. I'll definitely read it soon - I swear!

  16. I definitely recommend Will Grayson, Will Grayson! It's such a brilliant book, and I really do love it. I have a copy of Shade that I haven't read too, and I definitely need to change that soon.

    1. I'm glad to hear that WG, WG is a great book! I'm a little nervous because it's by two authors that I love a lot, so I'm scared my expectations for it will be entirely too high.

  17. Every Day and Legend would have made it to my list, if I would have made one. They all sound great though, so I hope you can get to them soon!

    1. Thanks Cindy! Here's to hoping we both FINALLY get a chance to read Legend this year.

  18. Under the Never Sky is brilliant! You HAVE yo pick it up soon. :) I still need to read something by Rick Riordan. I haven't tried any of his books yet, even though I own most of the Percy Jackson series. My sister is a huge fan, though, so I'm sure she'll push me into it eventually. ;)

    1. I definitely will, considering as how most of the comments on this post endorse Under the Never Sky. But I do think you definitely need to read the Percy Jackson series. It's so fun to read and so easy to devour!

  19. The cover of Born Wicked is fab!! I've been wanting to read it too! I'm curious about Everyday too, it sounds so unique. I've read Will Grayson, Will Grayson and it it's ok. Definitely not my favorite John Green book.

    My TTT

    1. Hmm, see, that's what I worry about when it comes to WG, WG - I'm scared that I'll feel let down. Hopefully that's not the case!

  20. SHADE!!! That trilogy has been some of my favorite reads so far this year! I LOVE it! Go read them!!! :) I also really enjoyed Under the Never Sky, Mark of Athena, and Legend. I need to read Born Wicked myself. So. Shade. Go go!!

    New GFC Follower

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. Hooray for an endorsement for Shade! I'm glad to hear that you really enjoyed the series. I will definitely try to read it soon!

  21. I really enjoyed The Dead Tossed Waves/The Dark and Hollow Places; it was really interesting to see how the three novels were connected. And you HAVE to read Under the Never Sky - I loved it, but Through the Ever Night is even BETTER!

    1. That's definitely the part I'm looking forward to, though I don't remember all the details of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I think I'm going to tackle this one tomorrow!

      Also, as I promised on Twitter, Under the Never Sky will happen. Soon.

  22. I tried to read The Lost Girls last summer, but only made it about half way. It is rare that I make it as far as half way and give up, since usually if I make it a few chapters its good to go, but in the end I just couldn't do it anymore. Which is not to say I didn't enjoy what I read, it was all really interesting and made me incredibly jealous of the concept of these girls quitting their jobs to travel the world. It was just way too long and slow for me. It felt like work getting through it. Had they cut it down I would have loved it.

    All that said, I am sure you will do much better with it than I did. I am really bad at forcing my way through books when they don't grab me.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about The Lost Girls. I'm actually really looking forward to reading that one because I adore a good travelogue! It sounds really interesting too.

  23. Under the Never Sky was on my shelf for a long time before I read it, but I'd really recommend it! It's a great read, though the pace kind of lags sometimes. Legend is only shelf, too, but I really, really mean to read it.

    1. Thanks for the warning about the pace of Under the Never Sky! I'll definitely keep that in mind when I finally start to read it.

  24. I don't own Shade, but it is definitely on my TBR list! And has been. For a lonnnnggggg time.

    1. It's been on mine since I read about it on Ginger's blog! I got the third one last year, so I thought I should start it... But I haven't yet.

  25. Lots of pretty popular series on that list of yours. :P I'm curious to hear more opinions on Tortall; sadly, I missed out on Tamora Pierce in my childhood and am now struggling to catch up.

    1. I'll definitely let you know about Tortall! I love Tamora Pierce though, and always highly recommend her series to fantasy fans.

  26. people seem to really love Under the Never Sky! I need to re-read it before Through the Ever Night.

    1. I NOTICED. I think it's crazy cool that so many people are endorsing (pushing) me to read it!

  27. I have yet to read a Riordan book. Right around the time The Lightning Thief came out, customers kept coming in looking for the books. My interest had already been piqued by then and eventually the series began making the rounds between my coworkers. Since then I've had my eye on the books at the library and am SO tempted to grab some off the shelves at work, but it's a matter of finding the time to read them.

    1. I definitely recommend the Riordan books! If you can swing it, read them in chronological publication order - Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles and then The Heroes of Olympus. It's REALLY good.

  28. You absolutely MUST read Will Grayson, Will Grayson now! It's soooo good! Seriously. I also have The Mark of Athena on my TBR, I have no idea when I'm getting to it though. It's been six months since I read The Lost Hero... :/ I guess I should get cracking!

    1. I'm now in the middle of reading Mark of Athena - and it is FABULOUS. I LOVE IT. I regret waiting so long to read it.

      But yes, I will read Will Grayson, Will Grayson soon (I hope).

  29. You have killed me! How could you NOT have read Legend yet? I LOVE that series! Prodigy is even more fantastic! Shade is pretty cool & Born Wicked is good too.

    Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
    Deity Island

    1. I'm sorry! But knowing you love it makes me extra excited to finally plunge into that world and series.

  30. Thanks for sharing about the read-along! I can't commit to reading it right now, but I'm pretty excited to start it. Glad to hear that you're really liking it!


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