June 28, 2015

The Sunday Mix (9)

Well, well, two weeks has gone by pretty darn fast! I'm really starting to feel like summer is upon us, mostly because of the warmer weather and the summer Friday schedule at work. But seriously, it's my favorite of the seasons, and I'm determined to enjoy it as much as possible. On the other hand, can you believe June is very nearly over? It's crazy to me, but it's true! But before the month ends, it's going to be Rachel's birthday (tomorrow, to be exact) so don't forget to greet her. And since it's coming up, what are your plans for the Fourth of July? We're keeping it low-key this year and just hanging out with some of our friends.



from publishers and author (Thanks Macmillan, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Harper Collins, Sourcebooks, Oxford University Press, Bloomsbury and Susan!)
physical: The Winter Crown by Elizabeth Chadwick / Seven Letters from Paris by Samantha Verant / Everything But the Truth by Mandy Hubbard / Red Girl, Blue Boy by Lauren Baratz-Logsted / Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino / Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary by David & Ben Crystal / Victorian Fairy Tales edited by Michael Newton / First & Then by Emma Mills / Tonight the Streets are Ours by Leila Sales / Dreamstrider by Lindsay Smith / Rules for 50/50 Chances by Kate McGovern / The August 5 by Jenna Helland / The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett / Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
e-galley: Truest by Jackie Lea Sommers / Racing the Sun by Karina Halle

borrowed from friends and the library (Thanks Rachel!)
physical: North of Beautiful by Justina Chen / Prodigy  by Marie Lu / Champion by Marie Lu / The Rift by Gene Luen Yang / Where Sea Meets Sky by Karina Halle
e-books: The Boleyn King by Laura Andersen / The Boleyn Deceit by Laura Andersen/ The Boleyn Reckoning by Laura Andersen

physical: Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone / Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone / Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone / Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway / The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley / Street Magic by Tamora Pierce / Cold Fire by Tamora Pierce / Shatterglass by Tamora Pierce
e-book: Love in English by Karina Halle / Love in Spanish by Karina Halle


  1. What a gorgeous collection of new books! I also can't believe it's almost July; it feels like this entire year has flown by. I'll be spending my 4th of July in Disneyworld =)

  2. I'm always so amazed by the amount of books that you acquire on a weekly basis and how you ever manage to stay on top of your reading game! Dream Strider is a book I've been curious about but haven't heard anything of from others, so I look forward to your thoughts on it.

  3. Great books this week. I am especially excited about Truthwitch

    I hope you enjoy these pretties :) Happy Reading!

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  4. I'm looking forward to everything but the truth and twuthwitch!

  5. Truthwitch was brilliant, Tiffany! I'm looking forward to Everything but the Truth as well, since I've enjoyed most of what I've read from that particular line of books.

  6. Truthwitch was amazing, Michelle! <3

  7. It's a little crazy sometimes, particularly when it's the season when all of the review copies start rolling in! But I do read quite fast, and have a loosely structured schedule, and it works in helping me keep my numbers down (at least, as low as I can manage given that I'm only human and sometimes don't feel like reading at all).

    I'm very excited about Dreamstrider, because I loved Lindsay's other books! I definitely will let you know what I think of Dreamstrider after I read it.

  8. Ah, that sounds amazing! I hope you had a fun 4th of July!

  9. Thank you! I did, I hope you did as well =)


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