November 4, 2011

TGIF (6): Gateway Reads

TGIF at GReads is a feature by the fabulous Ginger, who asks us a fun question to answer every week. It's always a joy to be a part of this, and I think everyone certainly should try it out!

Which particular books opened you up to a new genre?

And, as a special mention for this week:
The first series that I ever really loved was was The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

What books inspired you to start reading a new genre?
And what genre do you gravitate towards and one that you don't particularly care for?


Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
Across Eternity by Aris Whittier

Words from Books
Top Ten Tuesday
Author Interview: Aris Whittier // Giveaway


  1. Happy Friday to you too! I think it was Mr Orwell himself who opened me up to dystopian fiction. I absolutely fell in love with 1984 and you know.. I have.. The Hunger Games.. Delirium.. Matched on my shelf.. haven't managed to read any of them yet! :(
    Once Upon A Time

    1. Oh wow. I've never read 1984, but I've definitely heard of it. Props to you for having read it!

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  10. Christy @TheReaderBeeFebruary 6, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    Oh! I remember reading the Little House series when I was growing up. :) Those are great picks!

    1. I love meeting fellow Little House fans! I was obsessed with this series growing up; it's probably the first series I remember being obsessed with.

  11. Ahh I've been avoiding Eat Pray Love because I'm not a fan of memoirs in general and I really don't like the sound of this one. I haven't even seen the movie! Maybe I should give it a go one of these days, so many people seem to love it.

    1. I like the book a whole lot more than the film (although the settings were beautiful in the movie). It really is a memoir though, so be prepared for that!

  12. I've seen THG on quite a few lists today. I can't wait to read that series. I wish it had been one of my gateway books.

    And Harry Potter! Love that series. Great books.

  13. Mmm Hunger Games, totally agreed! And of course HP is one of my fav series as well :)

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  14. Great books! I am feeling like a major loser seeing how many people picked (and have read) The Hunger Games. I need 2 free days so I can finally read the series!

    1. I hope that by now you've read The Hunger Games! That series is stellar and action-packed. You're not going to want to put it down once you've started it!

  15. Excellent books - Hunger Games is the best.

  16. I devoured the Little House on the Prairie series when I was younger! And yay for THG and HP love! I've seen the movie Eat, Pray, Love, and although it was okay, I probably won't read the book. Watching the movie first always ruins the book for me. :(

    1. Oh man. I wish you'd read Eat, Pray, Love though because I don't think the movie did it justice! I've read that book so many times :)

  17. Interesting...What genre is The Secret?

    1. It's a romance novel! If you're at all interested in trying out historical romance, that's a good one to start with.

  18. Aww, I love that you mentioned Harry Potter and The Hunger Games! I'd been reading and loving witch-stories before I got my hands on HP, but it's definitely one that made me appreciate the genre even more. And The Hunger Games was my first step into the dystopian genre as well :D
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yes! Harry Potter was basically my gateway to reading series obsessively. I fell in love with fantasy after that!

  19. So yes, on all of the above except I haven't read Eat, Love, Pray. The Secret is amazing. The Bride, The Castles are two more of my favorites from this genre.

    1. YES! Julie Garwood fans, for the win! I love her books, and I believe I've read most of them. Castles is another of my favorites.

  20. It delivers a curated selection of literature that serves as a gateway to captivating worlds and transformative experiences. With a keen eye for compelling storytelling and diverse perspectives, this installment of TGIF guides readers on a literary journey that transcends genres and boundaries. From timeless classics to contemporary gems, each recommended read promises to ignite imaginations, provoke thought, and leave a lasting impact.
    Condado de Henrico Conducción Temeraria Abogado
    Henrico DUI Abogado


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