August 23, 2013

Authors Are Rockstars || Interview with Marni Bates

I'm quite fortunate to be able to be a part of Authors Are Rockstars, which is an amazing event hosted by Rachel at Fiktshun, Jaime at Two Chicks on Books, and Mindy at Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. You can check out any of their posts for which authors are part of this event, and which bloggers are hosting them.

As for me, I have the distinct privilege of hosting Marni Bates on my blog today! Marni writes the most adorable books in the world -- and that's no understatement. I've read Decked with Holly, and just finished Invisible a few days ago, and really enjoyed them both! She manages to take these quirky, real teens to star in her stories, and make readers root for them. I also love how each of her stories are really fun, imaginative and hard to put down once you've started. Marni's also entertaining on Twitter, with funny quips and candid thoughts. I can't wait to see what she's got coming out next!

Find Marni on: website || twitter || facebook

Today, I was fortunate enough to snag a quick interview with her, which you can check out below! There's also a giveaway (US only) for a copy of her book Invisible at the end of this post. Once again, let me present to you the one and only Marni Bates!

Alexa (A): Where did you draw inspiration for your novels?

Marni (M): I have always enjoyed imagining how I would cope with ridiculous situations. And I try to be fairly honest when I evaluate the likelihood of my survival. Let's be real; I would not survive a zombie apocalypse. If I couldn't write in an air-conditioned coffee shop, I would lose it.

Completely. Lose. It.

But that's part of the fun of "what if"-ing! When it comes to my writing, I like to take it a step further. Sure, each of my characters has a bit of me in them, but I try to add an extra twist. I suspect I could have a whole lot of fun with fame, but what if my one goal in life was to fly under the radar...?

That's how I came up with the premise for my first novel, Awkward

(Interviewer's Note: I haven't read Awkward yet, but I certainly plan to. The title alone is enough reason for me to check it out, as I'm a perpetually awkward person myself...)

A: Which of your main characters are you the most like? And which one is your favorite?

M: I suspect that Jane and I are the most alike. We both have some serious issues when it comes to confrontation. And we both tend to cast ourselves into the role of the "quirky best friend" instead of acknowledging that we are just as worthy of happiness as any leading lady. This might be why her book, Invisible, was also the hardest for me to write.

Believe it or not, Chelsea Halloway is probably my favorite. The most Notable girl at Smith High School stole my heart. She is so much more than a pretty face, and I think I learned the most about myself by listening to her. And I do have a soft spot for a heroine who isn't afraid to make other people mad. Even if one of those people is the leader of a drug cartel... *grins wickedly*

A: If you could live in any fictional world with no danger of death or injury, which one would it be? And who would you be in it?

M: I'm a Harry Potter girl. When I read those books in elementary school, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to get my owl and study at Hogwarts and become best friends with Ron and Harry. I was also convinced that Hermione Granger and I were secretly the same person. So... there you have it!

I'm still willing to leave the Muggle world if I get a better offer!

Thank you so much Marni for granting me this interview! I too would totally identify with Jane, and I cannot wait to read Chelsea's book when it's finally out. Plus, we could totally pal it up in Harry Potter world! YOU are an absolute rockstar for your funny, interesting stories, and I can't wait to see more from you.


  1. I haven't read Marni's books yet but she's awesome because she choose Hogwarts. I would join her :)

  2. Great interview! Thanks so much for being a tour host!


  3. Marni is too cute! I participated in the blog tour for Awkward and it was totally adorable! I hope you get a chance to read it; I really think you'll enjoy!

  4. I haven't read any books by Marni but she is adorable!

  5. Cool interview. Thanks for the giveaway :)

  6. I thought Decked with Holly and Invisible were ADORABLE! Marni is so cute and funny, and so are her books! Great interview :)

  7. Awkward is one of the best YA books I've read in a while. I read it in one night because I couldn't put it down! Normally I'm hesitant to read anything set in high school, because I hated high school haha but I totally recommend anything Marni writes. She has such a great voice!

  8. Oh, i really like Meeting new folks today! Characterization is that the most significant factor to me furthermore.job interview And extremely get to Stephanie Perkins' books presently, they are superb :) loved the interview!


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